A Still Small Voice

Written By:  Caina Q.  Fuller



Fade In-Dusty Road, Day


It’s a day that’s as hot as hell itself as Eve and Virgil ride down a dusty road under the mid-day sun.  They’ve been through a lot lately, and they’re still reeling from it all.  Especially Eve.  Her face is tortured, more from the pain of knowing her brother is trapped in Tartarus from trying to save her than from the heat itself. Virgil is picking up on this, and reaches out for her in silent support.



Eve?  Do you want to talk

about it?



Not really Virgil.  Thanks but

nothing short of knowing

my brother is back where he

belongs is going to ease my pain.



I wish there was something I

could say to ease your pain Eve.



I know you do Virgil. And I

appreciate it too.  You know,

I’ve been thinking a lot about

my experience in Rome with







I’ve come to realize that Livia

and I are one and the same,

and there’s nothing I can do to

change that.


This revelation both shocks and hurts Virgil.  To him it seems as if Eve is throwing away all Xena’s sacrifices, as well as the loss of his father, away by making a statement like that.



How could you say something

like that? After all your mother

has done to help you…I had to

lose my father before you were

turned around, and now you’re

saying that you haven’t changed?



Virgil, calm down. You’re misinterpreting

what I meant.



Then help me to understand.



My entire life was spent as

Livia, and the good in my life

back then was far outweighed

by the bad Virgil.  I allowed my

innocence to be lost to hate.

I can’t pretend to be someone

completely different overnight.

I’m changing but its going to be a

life long process. I just…I just

feel that to deny the part of me

that is a warrior is to deny half

of my soul.



Then why do you have so many

reservations about picking up

the sword again?



Because I’m afraid that once

I get a taste of that dark part of me

again I won’t be able to control

my taste for bloodshed.



You’re afraid of reverting back

to Livia. I see what you mean. But

you’re forgetting something.  You

have an element in your favor

now that you didn’t have before.



What’s that?



Friends who love you.  With

our love, you can find your

true path because we’ll

be there every step of the way.


For the first time since losing her brother to Persephone’s hate in the underworld, Eve has found reason to smile.



Virgil, I don’t think you can begin

to imagine how much that means

to me.




As the two continue along the road, Eve begins to hear an almost inaudible whisper.  At first she thinks it’s Virgil speaking to her quietly, but when she looks to him he is studying the scenery around them and clearly not talking to her, but still…



Virgil? You say something?



No.  Why?



Nothing really.







The archangel Raphael watches Eve and Virgil on the mirror-like surface of a fountain.  When he waves his hand over it, the scene changes to that of an army raiding a village.  As he watches this Rachel, Callisto’s daughter, appears beside him.



It has begun.



I know. He’s given me the go

ahead to show her the truth.



You don’t look certain about

what you are being sent to do.



I’m certain this is the right thing,

but I’m just not sure in my abilities

to do this correctly.



You’re going to be fine. I have

the utmost faith in you.


Rachel disappears and Raphael turns to see Eve and Virgil on the road.  He dissolves away, leaving the room empty, a look of deep sadness filling his already somber eyes as he fades away.





Virgil and Eve are still riding when Virgil sees smoke rising into the air from the village they are approaching.  He reaches out for her in horror at what he is seeing.



Eve, look!  It’s Leuctra!






Virgil takes off for the village, ready for a fight, but Eve isn’t so sure about what she’s getting herself in to and hangs back.  She is just about to follow after him regardless of her doubts, when she hears the whispering again. This time it’s louder and it fills her with uneasiness. What is it? Where is it coming from?


Suddenly Raphael appears on the road before her, blocking her path and scaring Braveheart into rearing up and almost knocking her to the ground.



(calming Braveheart)

Be still.


The horse immediately calms beneath the wave of Raphael’s hand, but it isn’t that simple for Eve, whose life seems to be steadily turning up side down.


Close Up on Eve-Fade Out.

End of Teaser




A Still, Small Voice-Act One


Fade In

We resume where we left off in the Teaser, close on Eve’s face.  She remembers this particular angel from her time in Heaven and gives him a small smile.






You remember me. That’s

good. Then you know I am

not going to hurt you.



What’s the matter? Why have

You come here?  Is it Rachel?



I’m here because you have doubts

about your mission as the Messenger.

I have come to answer them. You

also have doubts about riding into

battle.  You’re afraid you may be

forced to kill again, to save an

innocent life.


Eve is amazed that he knows the deepest secrets of her heart, but she is also relieved to have someone to share them with.  She looks next to tears as she nods her head in agreement.



Yes. You’re right, I do have

questions. And I have many fears.

What if I’m on the wrong path?

How can I reconcile being Eli’s

Messenger and carrying a sword

at the same time?





I don’t have time to answer

all of your questions now Eve.

I’m just here to tell you to ride

into Leuctra and do all in

your power to save them.  Eve,

soon you will be shown the truth,

but until then, don’t restrain

your warrior heart.


Before Eve can ask him to elucidate what he has said, Raphael is gone, leaving her staring at the empty space he’d just left with bewilderment written all over her face. It isn’t until she hears screams from the village and sees more smoke that she snaps out of her trance and heads off for the village. The only problem now is that Eve is more uncertain about her path as a warrior than ever, despite what Raphael has said about not restraining her warrior heart.





Virgil rides into the village and finds it being attacked by men in black uniforms, all of whom have a strange red symbol sewn into their tunics. It’s a likeness of the Destroyer from “A Family Affair” (Hope and Ares’ son), but Virgil doesn’t recognize it as being associated with Dahak.


Virgil pulls his father’s sword and dismounts just as two warriors rush his way.  On a hill in the distance we see a man watching the events of the battle from his horse.  Despite the distance (and the fact that his second in command must have a spyglass to see), this warrior has no difficulty seeing every detail of the fight below him. He is obviously more than a mere mortal.


Virgil looks around the burning village for Eve but his companion is nowhere in sight. All around him slave wagons are being loaded with women and children, and the men have been rendered unconscious and placed on the ground with their hands manacled behind their backs, which is unusual considering that during a warlords raid, the men are usually slaughtered.



Eve!  Where are you?




The warriors raiding the village become aware of Virgil’s presence and watch as he attacks their fellow warriors, cutting them down before they can harm the men, women and children of the village.  Several of them surround Virgil, all of them large, muscle-bound dunce types with more testosterone than brain cells to balance it out.



Warrior #1

You put on a good show, but

now it’s time for you to be a

good boy and drop your sword.



Virgil apparently isn’t responding quickly enough for Warrior 1’s satisfaction.


Warrior #1

I said drop your sword!



Drop yours and I might let

you live long enough to go to



At first the warriors are astounded that any simple villager would dare defy them, but then anger and aggression quickly takes over and warrior #1 attacks.


Virgil takes him on and holds his own easily enough, and he’s even beginning to get the upper hand in the fight when his buddies join in.  Up on the hill, Cain watches with a sly grin on his face.









Virgil is good, but not good enough to take on three burly warriors at the same time (he’s no Eve after all), and the situation quickly turns ugly for him when all three are attacking.  Warrior #1 sees his chance to save his pride in some small measure when he decks Virgil, sending him sprawling.  He raises his sword to deliver the death blow, then brings it down hard for the kill. Suddenly Eve’s sword is blocking him and saving Virgil in the nick of time-close but no dice baby.



That’s not a good idea.


On the hill, Cain watches this new player in his game with interest. She’s beautiful, yes, but apparently she knows her way around a sword as he watches her disarm all three of the warriors attacking Virgil.



Now who are you?



In the village Virgil picks up his sword as the mayhem continues around them and the three warriors stubbornly face her down.


Warrior #1

Whoever gets her first, gets her.


Sounds like a plan to them. The men are about to begin another attack, without their swords, when the third warrior, silent until now, suddenly recognizes her.


Warrior #3

Hey, wait! I know you! You’re

Livia.  Champion of Rome.


The men look at her with new interest now. If they can give their lord Rome’s champion, there was a good chance he would reward them with a personal slave, or better still, a few bags of gold.



Take her alive if you can. We’ll

split the booty.




Surrender and call off your men

or I’ll split your booty.


Warrior #1

Oh, funny. Get her!


The men attack again, but this time Eve sheathes her sword to fight them hand to hand. She knows what Raphael has told her about doing what she must to save the village of Leuctra, but she just can’t bring herself to kill again.  More and more warrior’s attack Eve and Virgil, and though Virgil kills or wounds as necessary, Eve refuses to, and it’s about to cost Virgil more than it is her.  On a rooftop in the village, invisible to all eyes, including Cain’s, stands Raphael.  He shakes his head at her refusal to draw her sword.



I said do what you must Eve.


During the fight, Warrior #1 charges her and she kicks him in the gut, but it sends him flying back into a wagon full of hay that is engulfed in a raging fire with predictable results.  Warrior #1 begins to flail about, trying to put the fire out, but in his panic he makes it worse by running for the exit of the village.  The voice whispers around her again, louder than it was before but still unintelligible.


Eve is so consumed with guilt as she watches the warrior collapse on the ground to die in flames, she doesn’t see warrior #3 coming upon her, but Virgil does.



Eve!  Look out!


Eve looks around a tad too late and Warrior#3 sucker punches her, knocking her to the ground.  He begins to kick her and Virgil rushes over to save her, but in the process the warrior tries run Virgil through.  Fortunately for our intrepid (would-be) hero, warrior #3’s aim is off and the blade goes through Virgil’s side, missing his most important organs.




No!  Virgil!



Eve jumps to her feet, sword drawn, as once again a newly armed warrior #3 attacks.  As this happens, warrior #2 (non-speaking as of yet) mounts his horse and begins to retreat.  Eve quickly dispenses with the warrior #3, then kneels at Virgil’s side.



Virgil.  I’m so sorry.



Save the village Eve. We can

talk about this later. Save them.


Eve turns, this time to fight the approaching warriors.  Though it hurts her to her soul, Eve does what she should have done the moment she stepped into the battle, and begins cutting down soldier after soldier that attacks her until the men realize what force they’re up against and they retreat.



























Ext. Hill


Cain watches this new beauty, and senses something different about her as she slaughter’s his men.  She’s unlike any female warrior he’s ever witnessed fight, and he’s fascinated by her.  Still, she’s stepped between him and his mission, and that he cannot allow.


Warrior #2 comes riding up the hill to his master, and we can see in his eyes he knows he’s in serious trouble for retreating. He doesn’t respect Cain--he fears him.


Warrior #2

My Lord.



There’d better be a damn good

reason for you to run from battle.


Warrior #2

There is my Lord.  That woman-

her name is Eve. She was once

the champion of Rome. She’s

Xena’s daughter.


The name Xena strikes a cord deep within Cain, and we hear a low growl come from deep in his chest. He hates the Warrior Princess, and with good reason, but we’ll get into that later.



Now she’s Eli’s Messenger of

peace. Is her familial ties the

only reason you left?


The warrior’s face becomes a mask of fear and uncertainty. How will he get out of this alive?



What do you mean?







I know you don’t have much of

a brain but don’t play stupid with

me boy.  Why else did you leave?


Warrior #2

(head hung in shame)

I was afraid my lord.



I thought so.  You know how I

feel about cowards.



Suddenly the warrior grabs his head and falls from his horse, screaming in agony. He writhes on the ground, blood pouring from his nose and ears until his very soul emerges from his mouth in the form of a bright, misty light, and it flows into Cain.  As soon as Cain has ingested the mans soul, his eyes begin to glow and he laughs evilly as he is invigorated from the power of the man’s life-force.






Yes, my lord?



Retrieve the rest of the deserters.



Of course my lord.  Right away.



And prepare a couple of crosses

for our competition down there.

It’s time for me to put an end

to Xena’s line once and for all.

Just as she tried to do to my family.


Close on Cain’s face.

Fade out.

End of Act One.




A Still, Small Voice-Act Two


Fade In

Ext-Village of Leuctra


The village lays half in ruins from the fires started by Cain’s men in the raid the previous day, but the villagers are safe--for now any way. They go about the grueling and emotionally draining task of sifting through the ruins, trying to salvage whatever they could of their lives from the ashes.


Int-Physician’s hut


The doctor, an old salty fellow with a sharp mind and amazingly steady hands, finishes patching Virgil’s wound up when Eve enters the room.



Nasty but nothing life-threatening.

don’t worry little lady. Your husband

is young and strong.  He’ll be good

as new in a month or so. 


He pats Virgil on the head with a fatherly touch.



You’ll have a great story for the

grandkids one day and a great

to back it up.

(turns to Eve)

It shouldn’t affect his sex drive

too much either.


Ok, this is more information than Eve wants to hear.



Thanks Doctor, but he’s not

my husband.


The physician suddenly “understands” what she means and laughs wickedly, slapping her on the shoulder and winking as he passes her.



Right, gotcha. Still, in a week

or so, he’ll be able to perform

in bed like always. Hope that’s a

good thing.


He leaves now, laughing at his joke as if it’s the funniest thing said in the history of man kind, and leaves them staring after him in embarrassment and disbelief.



Thank God Eve. My sex drive

was spared.  Feel like makin’ love?



Virgil!  Try and get some rest

wise guy.



Where are you going?



I’m gonna get some fresh

air, check on the wounded

that haven’t been treated

yet. That kind of thing.


Eve is trying to run from what happened earlier that day, but he’s not going to let her get away from it that easily.



Eve, wait. We need to talk

about what happened.



No, we don’t.





Your indecision almost cost

me my life, so yeah we do.



Virgil, I feel just awful about

what happened to you-


Virgil interrupts her angrily, moving to sit up too fast and hurting is freshly stitched wound.  He lies back down but still speaks his mind.



Eve, I’m not fishing for

an apology.  I want to know why

you froze up in the middle of a

battle like that.


All right.  If Virgil wants to talk about it then she’s going to talk.



I froze up because I killed

a man Virgil.  I shoved him

into a fire. He burned to death

for God’s sake!



You didn’t have a choice Eve.

He was going to take you captive

and who knows what would

have happened to you then.

Even worse, you could have

been killed.



I’m starting to wonder if I

should keep this title of the

Messenger at all Virgil.  I’ve

tried but I just can’t reconcile

carrying a sword on my back

while I preach messages of

peace. I feel like a hypocrite

and I just can’t live my life like

this anymore!


Eve storms out of the healers hut, despite Virgil’s pleas for her to wait. 





Eve runs through the woods, hoping with everything in her heart she can outrun her problems, even her life if she applied enough effort to it. But of course that wasn’t possible, and she only succeeded in wearing herself down, putting a stitch in her side from the effort of running.


Eventually she comes upon a hot spring.




A hot spring.  Just what I need.



                                                                                                Time elapse:


We focus on the surface of the pool as Eve rises from below the surface.  She breaks the surface, her hair slicked back by the water and her skin steaming from the heat of the spring.  It has the desired calming effect on her and in moments she’s relaxing in the deep water of the spring.


She hasn’t relaxed long however, before the voice returns. This time when it whispers, she can hear-just barely-what it is saying.



Destiny…Don’t fear…



Hello?  Who’s there?





Raphael appears beside the pool, sitting on a large stone next to the water. 



I’ve forgotten some things about

Heaven, but if I recall they do give

angels manners up there.



You know I’m not tempted

by human flesh Eve.  For an angel

that would be a sin.




Yes, and we know what happens

to you angels when you sin, don’t



Raphael laugh’s at her attempted insult and crosses his arms, leaning back against a tree.



I saw what happened today Eve.



Yeah? Then why didn’t you do

something to save Virgil?  No

wait!  Let me guess:  It’s not

in your job description right?  That’s

a job for the guardian angel’s, not

an archangel.


He takes her abuse quietly, choosing to allow her to work it out of her system, but he does have a thing or two to say back to her, and perhaps giving in to the desire to smart off is a little sin he will have to pay penance for later.  But for now…






And why do you think Virgil

is still alive Eve?  Your heroic

efforts and lightning fast reflexes?


Eve’s mouth drops open in shock. An angel of heaven just mouthed off to her!



How rude!  What kind of an

angel are you?



I’m an honest angel, as all

angels are taught to be. I always

tell the truth.



You mentioned truth earlier. Care

to stop beating around the bush

and enlighten me as to what the

truth is?


Raphael leans forward, trying to close the gap between him and Eve, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. He wants her to hear him, really hear him, before it’s too late for her.



You’re unhappy Eve.  Not

because of your warrior heart,

but because you’re trying to

walk the wrong path.


Eve tries to absorb this news but it just doesn’t click with what she’s been told that her mission is. 



But that doesn’t make any sense.

I was told that I am to be the

Messenger.  The Messenger of Eli.

How can a messenger of peace

possibly walk the Way of the Warrior?




I’m not talking about the Way

of the Warrior Eve. I’m talking

about your perceptions of

who the Messenger really is.


Now she’s really confused and she can only stare at him, baffled as her mind tries to work through what he is saying to her.



Are you saying I’m not supposed

to be the Messenger of Eli?



That’s exactly what I’m saying.



Ext. Cain’s Camp


Julian puts the finishing touches on a cross then stands up, the whole while the sound of men screaming in agony behind him.  He turns to find Cain, wearing nothing but his leather pants, slashing down one man after another.  They were the soldiers who ran from Eve in battle earlier that day.  As each man dies, Cain absorbs his soul.


The other men in Cain’s army, about a hundred in all, stand stiff at attention, watching the slaughter in fear.  One of the men tries to run but Cain holds out his sword toward the unfortunate soul, using his powers pull the man back through the air until he slams into the sharp point of the sword, becoming impaled, and Cain eats his soul.


When Cain has cut down the last one, he holds up his sword and licks some of the blood off the blade--disgusting.  This openly disturbs the men, and they can barely swallow over the lumps of fear in their throats.








I will not tolerate cowardice!

You either kill in my name or die

at my hand, but you do not

run from a fight if you follow me!

And if any of you desert before I

complete my mission, I’ll hunt you

down and feed off your souls!

Understand me?



(in unison)

Yes sir!





The group breaks up to return to their normal routine of training, but some of them come to collect the bodies of their fallen to be burned.  Cain doesn’t bother to dress as he passes Julian, who is watching him approach, and mounts his steed.



I’ll return shortly Julian.  Look

over my flock, will you?



Of course my lord.  May I ask

where you’re going? 



I’m going to go have a little

talk with our female adversary.

Perhaps a more favorable

arrangement can be made with

her.  Every king needs a queen.

Wouldn’t you agree?





Julian watches his master leave, his face full of pride and admiration that he is second in command of one of the most powerful warriors on earth.


Fade out.

End of Act Two.



A Still, Small Voice-Act Three



Fade In-Eve


Eve stares at Raphael in pure disbelief.  How can this be?  It occurs to her this may not even be Raphael, but some evil spirit trying to trick her off her path, and she looks him over with suspicion.



I am who I claim to be Eve.

I’m not some evil spirit trying

to trick you off your path.


Eve ignores the fact that he has just read her mind.



I’m not supposed to be the




I didn’t say that.  I said you’re

not supposed to be Eli’s



Eve’s mind is working a mile a minute now, as she tries to figure out exactly who the Messenger will be.



I get it.  Hope’s child!  He

or she will be the reincarnation

of Eli’s soul. They will be the




I didn’t say that. Why are you

so quick to jump to conclusions?







Why are you so vague

all the time?  For once I wish

you would just come right out

and say in plain Greek what you




All right then. How’s this for plain?

Eli isn’t supposed to have a

Messenger because he isn’t the savior

of mankind like everyone believes

him to be.  There is another who will

come, and it is He who’s way you

are to prepare. Eve, Callisto was given

a mission in Heaven before she was

to return in your body.  She was to

bring the message of the Savior

of man.  He too will come from Heaven

to be reborn in a human body. And before

you can jump to another wrong

conclusion, no, I’m not talking about

Hope’s child.



Then who is it? How can I be

a messenger for someone I

don’t even know anything about?



You will be shown the Way. Eve,

you were sent by the God of

Heaven, Eli’s God, to prepare the

way for the savior. Eli was just

to be the Hammer that brought

about the fall of the Olympian gods.

Now that he is being reborn on

earth, he will also have a mission

to prepare the way, but his mission

is separate from yours. Do you

understand now?



Not completely.



You’re trying to follow a path

that you’re not meant to walk.

You must travel the earth and

send word to the people that

there is hope for a brighter

tomorrow through the Messiah.

To accomplish your mission effectively

there is only one path you can




The Way of the Warrior.



Yes.  The way of the Warrior.



But I don’t want to kill Raphael.



If you did, you wouldn’t have

been chosen Eve.  It is this

temperance, this compassion you

have for human life now, that

makes you the perfect Messenger.


Before Eve’s eyes Raphael fades away, leaving her to ponder what he has told her.


Another?  Who could he possibly be talking about?  Without answers to those questions, Eve knew in her heart she would no long continue on her mission to be the Messenger.



Int.  Palace-Heaven


Raphael reappears beside Rachel, who is watching Eve bathe.



I miss her so much. I can

feel a connection with her soul.

She may be in another’s body,

but that is still my mother Raphael.

I can’t bear to see her suffer.



I know, but you have to remain

strong. For her Rachel, as much

for yourself.  Are you ready?



Yes, but I don’t know when is

the best time.



When it is time, you will know.



Ext. Forest


From the point of view of an unseen character we see Eve soaking in the hot spring.  This character inches closer and closer to her until Eve looks up, sensing something near.


The character eases behind a tree where he temporarily loses sight of Eve. There is a splash, and when he looks around again, the spring is empty.  The only evidence of Eve being here are her clothes, which still lie on the ground near the spring.


Up in a tree we see Eve, naked, looking down on Cain who is staring around him in confusion about where she could have gone.



Ext. Village-Evening


A pretty young woman named Aura tends to Virgil in his room.  She has medium length blond hair and green eyes, and a black shawl covers her shoulders.  Her hands move over Virgil’s wound gently, and it doesn’t take a genius to see Virgil is seriously attracted to her (perhaps because of her physical similarities to Gabrielle?). She also returns his attentions, for reasons of her own.








Thank you, for tending my wound.



It’s the least I can do. You and

Eve did work to save our village.


They share another meaningful look, so long so that Aura looks away, almost as if she feels sheepish. 



I’ve put something in the

rinse that will dull the pain.

It’ll also make you a little

drowsy and help you sleep

good tonight.



I appreciate that Aura. Thank you.



She begins to gather her things, but Virgil touches her hand, gently urging her to stay.



Aura, I have a request.


Close on her eyes, then


                                                                                    Cut to:


Ext. Spring


Cain has now come into the clearing, looking around in confusion.  He’s never met an opponent that could hide from his superior senses, and he is intrigued by her agility.



I’m not here to hurt you.


Eve flips from the tree and stands before him in all her glorious but natural beauty, and she is completely unashamed.



Didn’t your mother ever teach you

its not nice to peak in at a woman when

she’s taking a bath?



If you knew my mother, you wouldn’t

ask that question. 



Really? Well, I can only imagine

what kind of woman she is.



No worse than your mother ever was.



What do you know about my mother?



Everyone knows the story of the

Warrior Princess.  Some call her

a saint, others call her a sinner.



What do you call her?



A saintly sinner.


He’s easing up on her, and before Eve realizes it he’s standing on top of her, though he makes no threatening moves against her, and Eve makes a conscious decision not to back down from him. Not even one single step.



Three questions: Who are you,

what do you want with these

villagers…and where do you have

your army camped?






Questions, questions, questions.

I can think of better things a man

like me and a woman like you can

be doing than talking.



I may not be ashamed of my

nudity, but I’m not that easy.

back off.


Cain refuses to back off, and instead he takes another step toward her until their bodies are almost touching. Remember, he wears nothing but a pair of tight leather pants. No shirt, no shoes.  It would be bare skin on bare skin if they were to actually touch.



Who are you, and why are you

trying to stand in my way of




You first.



My name is Cain, and I need these

villagers to make me powerful.



My name is Eve, and I’m here to

fight for those who can’t fight

for themselves against scum like you.


Cain isn’t much for tolerating insults, and being called scum is a little too much for him to handle, even from a woman he’s attracted to.  He takes a swing at Eve, which she easily ducks, then she grabs her cloak and wraps it around her body.  She can fight comfortably now, without being subconsciously worried about her nudity.  Cain gives her all he’s got, but it’s just not good enough.  They are at a tie when he hold’s his hands up for a truce, but then he does something strange.


He blows her a kiss, and his powers are one weapon for which she has no defense.  Her eyes roll back in her head and she falls against him.

                                                                                                Time elapse:


Eve and Cain are lying next to the water, kissing passionately. His lips trail down her neck and…




More…I want more of you.



Who are you?  I want to know

who you really are.  Tell me.



Who I really am…I am Livia.



Why do you call yourself Eve?



It’s the new me.  Part of my

new path but…I’m not sure

I’m even on the right path.



And why are you here?



I’m here to save the village

from you and your men. You

and your men. You…


The more she talks about him, the more his spell seems to wear off, so he kisses her again, breathing his power into her until her eyes are glowing with his poison.



What do you want now Livia?


We close in on Eve’s eyes, which are now shining with his poisonous power, and we know he has taken over her. He is using her fears about her path against her, since he knows that deep in her heart the only time she was ever sure of her path in life was when she was Livia, champion of Rome. If he can use that against her, he can control her.


Answer me. What do you want




I want you.  I want to kill.


Close up on Eve’s eyes.

Fade out.

End of Act three.



A Still, Small Voice-Act Four


Fade in-Village-night


Eve enters Virgil’s room to find Aura sitting on the bed, next to him.  The two are looking into one another’s eyes, and Eve’s own eyes flash with jealousy.



Int. Cain’s Tent

Cain can see everything Eve is doing as he watches the village through her eyes on a mirror.  Beside him Julian sits with a blank sheet of papyrus, ready to draw a map of the traps the villagers are setting. 



Get ready Julian. She’s about

to give us the entire village.

and she won’t even know

she’s doing it.



Int. Virgil’s room.



Who are you?


Virgil can immediately hear the jealousy in Eve’s voice. What he doesn’t know is, Cain has altered his friend.  Soon he will use her to take over the village.




My name is Aura.  I was

just tending to your…friend?


Her last words are more like a question than a statement, for she isn’t sure exactly who Virgil is to this woman.



I’ll just bet you were.






Get out.



Eve! What the hell is

the matter with you?



It’s alright. I’ve stayed too

long as it is. I’ll be going.  Don’t

worry Virgil. I’ll get that message

to your friend.



Thanks Aura.


Aura passes by Eve, and Eve stares hatefully at her as she passed, making the poor girl uncomfortable every step of the way.  Once they are alone again, Virgil let’s her have it.



You didn’t answer my question.

I said what the hell was that all




I didn’t like what I saw when I

came in here. It looked like

she was tending more than your

wound to me.


Eve goes to the mirror and pulls down her braid. Once her hair is loose, she pulls it back up into the hairstyle she wore as Livia, all the while talking with Virgil.



So what if she was. My personal

life is none of your business.



And vice versa.



You didn’t have to be so

rude to her.  She’s a nice girl.



I’m nicer.





Really? I wouldn’t know it from

the way you’re acting.  Why are you

fixing your hair like that?


Eve finishes her hair and comes to sit next to him, a seductive grin on her face.



It gets my hair out of the

way so I can take care of more…

important business. If you know

what I mean.


Without warning she leans in, kissing Virgil passionately. At first he’s shocked, then tempted, but then he pulls himself together and finally pushes her away.



This isn’t right Eve. We’re not

going to go down this road.



Why not?  You looked like you were

ready to drive down that little country

bumpkin’s road.  Besides.  My curves are

more exciting to navigate. Come on

Virgil. I’m a very skilled lover.  I can

show you things that will blow your

mind. Speaking of blow…


Eve moves in on him again but this time Virgil is ready for her and he sits up, moving behind her so he can get to his feet and put some distance between them.



I don’t believe you!  You storm

out of here and disappear all day,

then come in here and try to seduce

me!  What the hell do you take me for?






I’d like to take you for a wild

ride, if you’d wake up and seize

the moment.



Well it’s not going to happen.

We’ve only just become friends.

Sex would ruin our friendship.



I don’t know if you’ve realized

it by now or not Virgil, but Livia

doesn’t take no for an answer.






That’s right.  Give me what I want.



Or what?



Or I’ll kill you.


Virgil turns to walk away from this increasingly strange encounter, but Eve won’t hear of it.  She grabs him by the arm and pulls him around to face her, then attacks him. When he hits her back, she falls to the bed, unconscious, even though he didn’t hit her that hard. 





He checks her vital signs. When he sees they’re stable, he tucks her in and sits next to her, confused.



What the hell is going on?


Int. Cain’s tent

Cain turns to Julian



Take half my men and take

every villager in Plataea.  Bring

them back here, to my temple.



Understood my Lord.  I’ll return

by tomorrow afternoon.



Good.  By then I will have secured

Leuctra.  Go.



Fade In.-Leuctra- Day


The next morning Eve awakens to find the villager’s, along with Virgil, have been working all night and all morning to booby-trap the town against Cain’s attack.  She exit’s the hut into the sun, and pulls aside a stranger.



What’s going on?


Female Villager

Virgil is helping us booby trap

the town so when that strange

army attacks again we’ll be ready

for them.


Eve finds Virgil, helping secure an arrow trap near the city gate, and she goes to him.






(his voice icy)



He doesn’t look too happy to see her, and rightfully so, but instead of just using words Eve hugs him close and he allows the embrace, stiffly.



I’m sorry Virgil. I don’t know

what came over me last night.

Please forgive me.



What did happen last night Eve?



I don’t know. I…I don’t know.



Can you tell me where you were?



I found a hot spring in the forest,

and I met up with an angel. He

told me that my mission wasn’t to

be the Messenger of Eli. He did

something to me Virgil, but I don’t

know what.



Did he hurt you?



I can’t remember.  Look, the best

thing for me now is to work. Can

you bring me up to speed on

what you’ve been doing?



If you think that’s what you need.

sure. Come on. I’ll show you what

all we’ve done.



Ext. Cain’s Camp



Alright men.  You’ve got the map

of their defenses. Let’s move out!


Ext. Plataea

Cain’s men raid the village of Plataea, stuffing men, women and children alike into wagons to be hauled back to the temple in Leuctra.  In one of the wagons we see a woman with her face wrapped, and it looks like its Aura.  The door is locked, sealing her in.


Ext. Village of Leuctra

Cain’s men have crested the hill to Leuctra, but this time the village is ready for them, plus he’s only at half strength.  Eve comes to stand beside Virgil, sword ready.



Are you ready?



Yep. You?



As I’ll ever be. Friend.


He smiles at her, acknowledging his forgiveness, and prepares to face down Cain and his army.  As Cain and his men charge, Virgil and Eve can hear them chanting a name over and over again.  When they’re closer, they can make it out.



What are they saying?



They’re saying Dahak, over and

over again.



But Dahak is dead.  Why would

they… Everybody! Ready!


Cain and his men approach the gate fast but come up short. One villager sets off a log trap which Cain and his men were ready for. When the danger passes, they invade the village, using archers primarily to take out the men who are standing at the defense. 



They know our plans! How could

they know…You!


He turns on Eve and just as Cain rides in and dismounts.  The evil sorcerer/warrior starts a battle with Virgil, as his men deftly avoid the traps set for them by the villagers.  Virgil is only able to hold his own for so long before Cain gets the best of him.  Once Virgil is disarmed and on the ground, Eve comes to stand beside Cain to share a passionate kiss.



You should have joined me Virgil.


Ext. Temple

Virgil and the villagers are led into the temple proper where many of the captives from Plataea are already waiting.  They have been chained to pins stuck deep into the ground, and they cannot escape, regardless of how hard they try.  Cain pulls Virgil up to him, and then shoves him into Julian.



Prepare this one. He will be the

crow jewel of my spectacle of blood



Julian leads Virgil away, kicking and screaming.



Now, my dear.  I will sacrifice

these fools to myself, in the

name of my slain grandfather,

Dahak.  When I do, I will feed

on the power their souls give me,

and I will become the most

powerful god in Greece.



Ext. Road leading into temple

The last wagon from Plataea is being brought in.  It is the wagon holding the mysterious woman with Aura’s eyes.



Ext. Courtyard.


Eve watches as Cain takes his throne and his men take up position around the chained villagers to kill them.  Her eyes wander to the perfect blue sky above, and that still, small voice that has been haunting her since the beginning of the episode returns, whispering words of destiny to her.




Do not fear your destiny.


Int. Heaven

Rachel stands over the pool in heaven, watching her mother stare back at her from the earth, hearing her voice as she repeats over and over “do not fear your destiny”.


Ext. Courtyard


Eve looks up at the sky, repeating the words over and over.  It is these words that are breaking through the spell Cain has placed on her by using her fear of her destiny against her.



Don’t fear my destiny? Who

am I?  What is my destiny?

help me.  Please help me.


Those are the only words Eve needed to speak from the beginning. She needed to drop her pride and look past her fear to ask for help.  Now that she has, her daughter, her guardian angel, can come forth and help her.  Until that happens though, Cain can still control Eve’s actions.


Virgil is led out of the temple, stripped to nothing but a loin cloth to be crucified in, and he’s laid on the cross.



Eve!  Prove your loyalty to

me.  Drive the nails in yourself.

Do it!


Obediently Eve goes to Virgil and picks up a nail and hammer.  A washer is laid across his wrist, then she puts the nail on the small piece of wood and raises the hammer.  Virgil stares at her in fear.



Eve, I know you have doubts

about your destiny but this is

not it.  I’m your friend.  I know

you don’t want to hurt me.  Eve!


But Cain’s hold is still too strong on Eve, and she raises the hammer, her eyes devoid of any feeling or mercy.  No one notices the one peasant rising to her feet in the background. It is the mystery woman. When she stands and unwraps her head, we see it is Gabrielle, not Aura.  She hurls her Chakram at the hammer, breaking it before Eve can hammer in the first nail.


Now all hell breaks loose.  Gabrielle uses the Chakram to break the shackles on her feet, then cuts the throat of the first guard rushing her.  She then takes his sword and does an incredible flip to land before Cain.



You!  Your Gabrielle.  My

Grandmother, the Betrayer!

You turned your back on my

Grandfather and mother.  This is

better than getting to kill Xena’s

daughter.  I’ll make you pay for

all you’ve-



Shut up and fight sunshine.

Grandma doesn’t have all day.


Cain attacks her but Gabrielle easily holds her own. In the background Virgil fights his way free from his cross now that the guards are distracted.  Instead of trying to take Eve on, who is only staring at the mayhem in confusion, he rushes off to cut the chains of the villagers held captive.





Gabrielle kicks Cain in the jaw, sending him flying backward and toppling over his gaudy throne, then flips down to face Eve.



What are you doing Eve?



Securing my destiny.



Your destiny is secure. Lay down

your sword and come home with me.

You need time to rest and-




Not a chance.


The two begin to fight, but Gabrielle is better and she spins, kicking Eve in the chest and sending her flying back into the air.  As she does this, a light appears in the sky and Eve freezes in mid air.  The fight below is momentarily halted as everyone looks up at what is happening to Eve.  Cain breaks the silence first however by charging Gabrielle.


As Cain flies impressively through the air, Gabrielle hurls her Chakram and it cuts his throat.  He falls to the ground in a heap, grasping his throat in pure shock. He had thought he was a better warrior than this.  Too powerful to be brought down by a mere mortal, but he was wrong.  He’s dead by the time his head hits the ground.


In the air Eve’s battle has only just begun.  Rachel touches Eve’s chest, just above her heart, and when she does, Eve sees several prophetic visions.



Mother, don’t fear your destiny.


*Vision #1-A woman on a road is stopped by an angel.



Don’t be afraid Mary.  You have

found favor with God.  You will

conceive and bring forth a son, and

you will call his name Jesus…


*Vision #2-Mary gives birth in a stables.

*Vision #3-A handsome, well-muscled young man-Jesus- works in his fathers carpentry shop.  An older man, Joseph, calls to his son.



Jesus! Dinner!


*Vision #4-Jesus turns over a gambling table in a rage in a temple.

*Vision #5-Jesus performs two miracles of healing.

*Vision #6-People speak up against Jesus.

*Vision #7-Jesus is captured in the garden of Gethsemane.

*Vision #8-Jesus is beaten.

*Vision #9-Jesus pulls his cross up a hill while being scorned by onlookers.

*Vision #10-The nails are hammered in.

*Vision #11-The sky turns dark as Jesus dies.

*Vision #12-Eve appears, walking on a cloud, holding a dove in one hand

and a sword in the other. 



Don’t be afraid of your destiny.

Your Way is the Way of the Warrior.

Fight for the weak, and never

Be afraid of your warrior heart.


Rachel appears next, a loving smile on her angelic face.



I love you mother.



I love you too Sweetness.


The visions end, Rachel fades away, and Eve falls back down to Earth. 


Close up on Eve.

Fade out.

End of Act four.



A Still, Small Voice-Tag


Fade In

Eve stands on a hill, looking down into the Mediterranean ocean.  Fishing boats laden with fishermen go about their duties of catching fish, and villagers go about their duties of everyday village life.  As Eve watches the people below her, she is filled to the brink with conflicting emotions.  Shame, for betraying Virgil, anger at Cain for using her the way he did, sorrow at seeing her daughter for only such a short time, but underneath it all she feels a sense of peace.  She has finally come to terms with who she is.





Virgil comes to stand next to her, and Gabrielle remains mounted on her horse behind them.



I’m heading off to settle

some business in Egypt. I

don’t know when I’ll be back.



I’ll tell Hope.



I already have. How about you?

Are you going to be ok?



I think I will.



I love you Evie.



I love you too Gabrielle.


They watch her trot off on Argo II, and then Virgil stands behind Eve, wrapping her in a warm embrace.





I know who I am now. I know

who I’m supposed to prepare

the way for. It’s an enormous

load off my shoulders.



I’ll bet. But you still don’t sound

sure of yourself.



I’m sure, it’s just I’m not thrilled

at the prospect of killing again.



I’m know you’ll only kill when you

have no other choice. Eve.






I believe in you.


She smiles and settles against him as they watch the sun set over the ocean.  They have an amazing journey ahead of them.  They just don’t know it yet.


Fade out.

The end.

(Copyright Caina Q.  Fuller. 2001).